Amifeed to metatrder4
Amifeed to metatrder4

amifeed to metatrder4 amifeed to metatrder4 amifeed to metatrder4

Table of Contents Copyright.1 Contents.2 Introduction.3 About AmiBroker Editions.4 Quick Tour.6 Getting started.10 Hardware requirements.10 Supported operating systems.10 Installation and running.10 Getting help.11 AmiBroker 32-bit vs 64-bit Compatibility Chart.13 What's new in the latest version?.15 Detailed Change Log.24 Tutorial.40 Basic operations.42 Adding a new symbol.42 Removing a symbol.42 Splitting a stock.42 Deleting quotation.42 Adding/removing symbol from favourites.42 Merging quotations of two symbols.43 Beginners' charting guide.44 How to use drag-and-drop charting interface.50 Special functions: SECTION_BEGIN, _SECTION_END, _SECTION_NAME, _DEFAULT_NAME, _PARAM_VALUES explained (for advanced users only).54 Chart themes.59 User interface customization.66 Working with chart sheets and window layouts.75 Using layers.81 Using Web Research window.83 OPEN NEW WEB RESEARCH WINDOW.83 Using account manager.88 CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.88 Using fundamental data.93 INFORMATION WINDOW.93 Using New Analysis window.98 Introduction.98 User interface.98 How to get quotes from various markets.104 How to set up AmiBroker with eSignal feed (RT version only).107 Requirements.107 How to set up AmiBroker with myTrack feed (RT version only).109 Requirements.109 How to use AmiBroker with external data source (Quote Tracker).111 One-time setup.111 How to set up AmiBroker with IQFeed feed (RT version only).115 How to use AmiBroker with Interactive Brokers TWS.117

Amifeed to metatrder4